Thursday, November 10, 2011

It's well into Fall and there is definitely a change in the wind! We will soon be moving to Idaho and we are all ready for both this change and a new adventure! When we first contemplated a move it seemed intimidating and in many ways, very sad. Especially, when you are facing a move because you feel that circumstances are forcing your hand. Still, I guess most of us face such upheavals under a certain amount of duress. After all, moving often means giving up so much that is dear and familiar and trading it in on the unknown. Most of us wouldn't be able to make such a change without duress. I was therefore rather shocked to find that over the months since making our decision, the unknown and unfamiliar has miraculously changed and morphed into not duress, but an adventure! Now that was definitely done by the hand of God...and THAT is where I find great comfort and can look to the future (my future! :-) with expectation!

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